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Open Source LibreOffice Drops Builds For 32-bit Linux Distros

With more and more Linux distros shifting to the only 64-bit release model, it makes sense for the major Linux software makers to follow the trend. The latest major player to drop the support for 32-bit Linux desktops is none other than LibreOffice, the popular open source alternative to MS Office.

Ahead of the upcoming LibreOffice 6.3 stable release in the mid-August 2019, The Document Foundation has released Beta 1 for the software suite. Beta 1 is also the first LibreOffice release that doesn’t ship with a binary for 32-bit Linux desktop.

The Foundation Foundation made its plans clear when it shipped LibreOffice 6.2 in February 2019. In the release notes, it was mentioned that no Linux x86 builds will be produced after 6.2.

However, it’s worth noting that support for the 32-bit apps will remain available and the users will receive updates.

As told to Bleeping Computer, the current change only affects the Linux binaries and the 32-bit Windows images remain unaffected. It makes sense given the comparatively large userbase of Windows.

The Document Foundation adds that the Windows situation will be reconsidered if the number of downloads drops to the same levels as Linux 32-bit packages.

Talking specifically about the LibreOffice 6.3 Beta 1, it’s now available for Windows, Linux, and macOS. You can install it along with your existing installation and test the new version.

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